8 Steps to Marry a Millionaire

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8 Steps to Marry a Millionaire

My mother always said that loving a rich man is just as easy as loving a poor man. However, although the love is good, most women don’t want to endure “struggle love.” Struggle love is being in love and having an enduring marriage even though the two of you have been struggling financially for a long period of time.

I, like many other women, believe in taking the love and leaving the struggle. I’ve been a millionaire matchmaker for 25 years. In those 25 years, I’ve had success finding a fabulous husband for myself and for many of my clients. So if you are seeking to learn how to cross paths with the millionaire of your dreams, keep reading.

1. Become Knowledgeable

It’s nice to look attractive. However, so many people in the world look attractive, but looks fade; chemistry doesn’t. Many millionaires know this and seek more than just a pretty face; they seek compatibility.

That said, learn things that your desired mate may be interested in. Be informed enough that you are able to talk about the pressing or interesting subjects that you would like your mate to be interested in.

2. Get Some Business Knowledge

Iron sharpens iron, and men need women who are going to help them grow and maintain. Not only will they want women who will help them, they want women who can help themselves, so educate yourself a little.

You should be able to understand the kind of work that he is in and provide insight and value to the conversation if it turns into a talk of his professional career. If you are knowledgeable enough to discuss business matters, you can pique and probably keep his interest.

3. Take an Interest in Politics

This land is everyone’s land, including yours. Therefore, you should consider taking an interest in building your world and your community.

You could show an interest in your community by volunteering to help out in a campaign for a candidate who you truly believe in. You could also voice your opinion of current events on public forums, such as social media.

4. Volunteer to Help at a Fundraiser

Volunteering won’t offer you any pay, but it will offer you something better: opportunity. You will get to experience the fun of working at a silent auction table or checking people in as you get to work with others towards a good cause, but volunteering is even more ideal because of who you could meet.

While you are being selfless with your time and energy, you could get some networking in for both your professional and romantic lives. Who knows? Maybe your dream millionaire appreciates women who freely give their time.

5. Prepare Yourself

Be who you want to attract. If you want to attract mates who are comfortable in their own skin, take the necessary steps to help yourself feel confident and beautiful!

This can include weekly facials, a wardrobe update, or even just working out a bit every day. Take some time to pamper yourself because you should value yourself first if you are going to teach another person to value you.

6. Dress to Impress

If you want a man who is a sharp dresser, wears the latest in fashion, and knows how to pair one designer with another, you should learn how to do the same.

Shop wisely, dress wisely, and don’t wear anything that could turn off a potential mate. Remember that most millionaires have an air of class about them; they aren’t likely to walk into a charity dinner with someone who dresses down rather than up.

7. Be Proactive

If you’re wanting your ideal man to find you, position yourself to be found. Attend lunches, dinners, and social gatherings at places that your ideal man would frequent.

Sometimes reaching goals means that you would have to leave more than just your home; you would have to leave your neighborhood. If you reside in a lower-class area, find a compatible roommate, then pack up, and move to the wealthier side of town.

8. Sign up with a Reputable Matchmaking Agency

Matchmaking agencies are able to inform you of the benefits of using a matchmaker. While you, yourself, are able to hit the dating scene to invest time and energy into meeting Mr. Right, taking advantage of the benefits of matchmaking services could save you much hassle.

Professional matchmakers like Elite Connections International offer top notch dating services. Matchmakers at Elite Connections are experts in their field. If you reach out to Elite Connections, and their professional matchmakers have set you up with a successful man who is interested in you, open up, and give him a chance. Allow him to see that he’s met a great girl, and let your best self shine.


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